
I love all things energy! I love learning and ran into so many words that I needed to understand more. So, to help you out, I created this list! I hope you enjoy learning!

9 Gamut: The 9 Gamut Procedure is part of the EFT Full Basic Recipe. It involves 9 actions performed while tapping the “gamut” point on the Triple Warmer acupuncture meridian on the back of the hand between the pinky and ring finger. It includes behaviors designed to engage both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, as well as eye movements. 


Amygdala: The amygdala is located in the medial temporal lobe, just anterior to (in front of) the hippocampus. Similar to the hippocampus, the amygdala is a paired structure, with one located in each hemisphere of the brain.


Your amygdala is a small part of your brain but has a big job. It’s a major processing center for emotions. It also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, especially memories, learning, and senses.


CCT: Command Cell Therapy is based on the idea that every cell in your body has an intelligence of its own and that the mind affects your body and emotional state. New scientific research into epigenetics by Bruce Lipton looks at how our genes and DNA are influenced by our thoughts, emotions, diet, and other environmental factors. This cutting-edge information takes a fresh look at our cellular biology and shows that the DNA and internal coding of the cells contain all the necessary blueprints to restore and repair the body. While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds and, in the process, switch the blueprints used to express genetic potential


Energy Psychology: Explorations at the Interface of Energy, Cognition, Behavior, and Health traces the roots of energy psychology, contrasts it with contemporary approaches, explores the interface with cognition and behavior, and provides instruction in treatment applications. 

(by Fred P. Gallo)

EFT (a.k.a. Tapping): Emotional Freedom Technique is a type of counseling intervention that stimulates acupressure points by pressuring, tapping, or rubbing these points while focusing on situations that represent personal fear or trauma. 

Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy is an adjunctive technique that utilizes hypnosis to aid in the treatment of specific symptoms or health conditions. Hypnotherapy works by inducing a hypnotic state marked by waking awareness that allows people to experience detached external attention and focus on inner experiences.

RTT: Rapid Transformational Therapy is a hybrid therapy known for its efficiency in discovering the root of a client’s issue and helping them let it go for good. RTT was developed by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer over her 30 years as an award-winning therapist.


SUD scale: The Subjective Units of Distress Scale is a tool for measuring the intensity of your feelings and other internal experiences, such as anxiety, anger, agitation, stress, or other painful feelings. This is done on a scale from 0 to 10. 0 means you feel no disturbance, and 10 means you feel the highest possible disturbance. 


Synaptic connections: The places where neurons connect and communicate with each other are called synapses. Each neuron has anywhere between a few to hundreds of thousands of synaptic connections, and these connections can be with itself, neighboring neurons, or neurons in other regions of the brain.


Tapping points: There are 9 tapping points used in the EFT basic recipe. They are (insert picture on the right)


  1. Side of your Hand
  2. Top of Head
  3. Inner Eyebrow Bone
  4. Side of Eye
  5. Under Eye
  6. Under Nose
  7. Chin Crease
  8. Collarbone Points
  9. Under Arm


VOC scale: The Validity of Cognition scale is a 0 to 10 where 0 feels completely false and 10 feels totally true. The Practitioner will ask you, “When you think of the incident/statement, how true does if feel?”

PC & NC: Positive Cognition, a true Positive statement & Negative Cognition a Negative statement that feels true

Neurons: Neurons are nerve cells that send messages all over your body to allow you to do everything from breathing to talking, eating, walking, and thinking.

"She does amazing work, and it blows my mind how much can be resolved in just one session." Alyssa Samways

"The RTT audio recording that Laci composed was right on and profound."

Sunnie Skillman

"Laci's energy is calming and peaceful, and she made me feel comfortable"

Noemi Sparks

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